GBUK Enteral

GBUK Enteral specialises in the supply of enteral feeding devices. Our comprehensive range of products enables healthcare professionals to safely deliver nutrition to their patients being cared for both in hospital and in their own homes. GBUK Enteral is proud to be playing a pivotal part in the global ISO ENFit 80369-3 roll-out. We take pride in our commitment to quality, clinical innovation and providing exceptional value.

Y-Port Adaptor ENFit®

Y-Port Adaptor


Transition Adaptors

Enteral Connector Brush

Enteral Connector Brush

ENFit Bottle Adaptors

ENFit® Bottle Adaptor

Medicine Bottle Adaptor

Medicine Bottle Adaptor

Syringe Driver

Syringe Driver

Enteral Extension Sets

Enteral Extension Sets

Fixation Devices

Fixation Devices

pHX Indicator Strips

pHX-Act Reader

pH Reader